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Global Outreach

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done"-Proverbs 19:17

We at Beauty for Ashes Global, believe that we have a mandate from Heaven to win souls and serve others in love for the Kingdom of God. We believe that through evangelistic efforts and outreach we can extend the love of God to others both locally and abroad. Therefore, we have put efforts into place to partner with several organizations in various countries to provide, clothing, shelter, food, spiritual resources, and more to women and children in remote areas around the globe. The Global Outreach Program initiated by Beauty for Ashes Global Women's Ministry in Nigeria is a transformative endeavor aimed at uplifting and empowering women across the nation as well as youth. At its core, the program is a beacon of hope, offering support and resources to women facing various challenges, including socio-economic constraints, gender inequality, and lack of access to education and healthcare. Through a combination of community outreach, educational initiatives, vocational training, and advocacy, Beauty for Ashes Global Women's Ministry endeavors to create a more equitable and just society where women and youth can thrive and fulfill their God-given purpose.

Holding Hands
Volunteers Packing Food

Central to the program's success is its commitment to collaboration and partnership. By working in tandem with volunteers and resources of diverse partners, Beauty for Ashes Global Women's Ministry amplifies its impact and fosters sustainable change that extends far beyond its immediate interventions.


Would you like to partner with us to supply clean drinking water, food, medical supplies, school supplies, Bibles, and spiritual empowerment to women and girls in need? Your special monetary gift of any amount can do these things. We cannot fulfill our mission without your prayers and monetary support. Please consider partnering with us and select from the options below to send your donations. May God richly bless you for your generosity.

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:






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